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Satya has authored some of the finest titles in collaboration with other leading personalities of the world & has given birth to few of the much acclaimed peer reviewed research books. These titles are the true reflections of the country’s natural portrayal on how the world look at India in the 21st century.

IJM DRUGS Encyclopedia
As early as 2002, at the age of 26, Satya gave birth to Country’s premier & India’s first encyclopedia of drugs titled “IJM DRUGS Encyclopedia” consisting of more than 1000 Pages with as many as featuring of 1000 molecules & an exhaustive informations on drugs. It is India's First Comprehensive Drug Reference Guide with a total No of 1000 Pages covering more than 10000 Molecules & as many as 120 Doctors giving their inputs.
IJM Diet & Nutrition

Empowering Indian Pharmaceutical Industry to lead Globally

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